Sunday, 17 June 2018

Everything will going to be digital........Life in 2050

Digital Life in 2050

Welcome you all, today, I will not introduce new technology, but instead this, I come with my own idea, about new technology what new things can be developed....and I noticed about various things and noticed about the new requirements that are being made in now-a-days, our country having a huge population and give a very tough competition to other countries in subject to the increasing population, if I talk and I do a comparison of today's world from traditional manner in which many people lived has been somewhere changed, can't say completely, but a little bit has changed. Now, I come with an idea about something. Today, all of us are using internet and at some point, we become now internet users and all of us are being addicted of an internet and every time we need internet, internet and all internet.
    But, at somewhere ,we suffer a lot of problems in subject to internet like n/w problems, range of an internet,data privacy, data redundancy and many more. 
So, here I come with an idea.....about connectivity of an internet and make it connected to too many houses....
In every rural area and urban area, there are so many street lights, in every area, where we live in railway stations and metro station of which I have already used an internet, so here it uses a centralised device which provides an Internet facility to a broad range of people,in a similar manner if we use a centralised wifi device with high range and is connected to a pole at each road where we move across, which will provide a connectivity to more than 1 house....just like a street light at every road gives light to a longer distance and in same manner, we can make such a centralised device which can acts as WiFi.....if I talk about the privacy system, an authentication will be given to a particular area, such that no1 will be able to have an authentication to use an internet if he/she enters another area....he'll only be able to use internet in his own area...
So, that's what I am thinking....let's imagine when everything will going to be digital and every thing will be done  in a digital manner......where ever ur, you will be with your an internet....!!!!

Monday, 4 June 2018

Edyn- a smart garden system

               EDYN- A smart garden device

ack with the introduction of new tech...or can say, a beneficial device called "Edyn-a smart garden system,which will be beneficial not only in your home garden, but in an agricultural field too......especially such type of devices are very essential for agricultural field units in our country. Almost 60% of the rural population, where in some of the rural people have their own farms....and they use all the tactics of what they can do with their own capability to prevent their crops....but due to some unfortunate conditions, their crops get damaged and the reason can be anything....can be due to variant weather conditions..... So I found and read about a new technology a bout which....if we introduce this technology in our country... It may solve a lot of problems...and even to save your plants of your garden area too....
Here's an introduction of " Edyn" device,which let's you know what's happening in your garden or in your farms at all times.
When you're novice Gardner or managing a small- scale organic farm, Edyn is there to take the guess work out of have to do nothing for this....and no need to go throughout the lengthy procedure....u have to just insert this device in the soil and just connect it with your WiFi.... This device gathers and analysis data about changing weather and soil devices.....
Here's a small video....jst check it out......


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