Sunday, 31 May 2020

To Win Against Covid-19

                            TO WIN AGAINST COVID-19


“Corona virus” a disease, of which there’s no need to describe  and which we say atleast 10 times a day as in a normal way in our daily lives. It has changed everything, whether it comes related to economy of country, or the life of common man to rich one, everything has been changed, and market has gone really so down, and it will take a lot of time to stabilize the same. Everyday, there’s being coming  a news of increasing no. of positive cases of corona virus and some countries have already been get rid out of it and some are trying. Various countries use various technologies to fight against corona virus, where some got successful like in china, at where it started, they already got recovered from this condition.
The corporate world really got affected due to this, in many reputed organizations, not only in ours, but in other countries too, like in USA, many employees got fired, and are not jobless, and even some organizations are on it too.
So, basically, there’s a big question that is coming in everyone’s mind, what’s the solution of this, yes, vaccination is main solution, but until the vaccine is not being made, till then what can be done, many solutions are being done by Govt of most of countries with the help of technologies like:-

1) Location Tracking- The most commonly used technology by governments; to track the people’s location who went before being quarantined. Israel has allowed its internal security agency the use of its citizens’ location data for 30 days. South Korea, China and Taiwan have also used location-tracking widely to limit the transmission of the virus.

India has also set to launch an app that would tell users if they came in contact with someone who later tested positive for Covid-19.

2) CCTV-  South Korea and Singapore, have used CCTVs extensively in contact-tracing.

3) SMART IMAGING- China is using AI-powered thermal cameras to identify those in a crowd who have a fever. The country is also deploying facial-recognition systems to identify those not wearing masks.

      China, this Country, has already got rid out of this, and many are trying, even getting successful too, like USA, in previous month, there has been no. of death of people at very an increasing rate that were coming out.

 Even,we, India, are also trying to get rid out from this, our Govt has taken such a nice initiative to fight against corona, where there’s an app, which  is popularly known as “Aarogya Setu”, which uses the smartphone's GPS and Bluetooth features to track the coronvirus infection. The app is available for Android and iOS mobile operating systems.With Bluetooth, it tries to determine the risk if one has been near (within six feet of) a COVID-19 - infected person, by scanning through a database of known cases across India.

Now, Here’s how Taiwan quickly controlled the Coronavirus-

So, each and every country, is trying to get rid out from this disease at one's own level and are working on the vaccination too and will get success too and will win against this one. 

                        WE CAN AND WE WILL!!!!


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