Thursday, 22 February 2018


Image result for plume flow  

Now-a-days, all of us are facing a serious and disastrous problem is nothing but, is Air Pollution. Smog and Air-Pollution these are two main serious problems and we all want a solution of this problem, but now it's being a great news for all of us that there is a device that has been developed by "Plume Labs" , and the device is named as "FLOW" which is used to measure how much air traffic a city/state/any location where we live. Many people are concerned about pollution levels in their communities, and one new device is aiming to warn people when they are in an area with low air quality. This device is so small enough to fit in your palms and you can carry this device very easily, and "FLOW" device is also used to enable the user to know about the location where it has highest or lowest air traffic and to which location they have to avoid to go. 
          So, its very useful and a portable device which can be easily used by everyone. Powerful sensors monitor air quality, and Flow will let you know in an instant.
                                          Let's check out in a video

Monday, 12 February 2018


Image result for blockchain

"BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY" is a safe and secured technology where any person can online transaction to any other other person at anywhere, there is no need to have 3rd party in between these two. A very few people are familiar with this technology. It is very important, not only for an individual, but for the nation too,such that corruption may get reduced.
"BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY" helps to do the transaction of bitcoin services from one person to another without the presence if any intermediate. Bitcoin is digitalized currency,which can be used for an online transaction.
Let's take an example, if a person, say 'A' who lives in India and wants to send money to another person, say 'B' who lives in London, and for this, it's not necessary to have trusted 3rd party, because if you use "BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY", it'll take lesser time for transaction and will take lesser charges too.In any network,where people aside, they know that who is going to do payment and to whom. Through this technology, all the data will be kept recorded in database.
      One of the major advantage of using such technology is that, it's harder to hack.For this, hackers need to hack thousands of computers which will be quite difficult. So, it will be useful for public sector and banking sector as well in coming future........!!!!!!

 Let's see how this technology actually works................


Saturday, 10 February 2018

Amazon Go

Image result for amazon go store technology

Welcome Back with new technology, I am back with an introduction of new feature of one of the global e-commerce company "Amazon"; and this company has already won the hearts of not only millions, but billions of people in this world. Amazon opened their first Amazon Go store in Washington; where there would be no check outs,no line and no registers, just pickup the things what you want to buy and just go.
    Such an amazing technology which an Amazon company has introduced,where you don't need to  be in a line and for checkout too, it saves so much time of yours. This store is equipped with hundreds of cameras and use censors like in many automatic cars too.
These censors will track your items that you are going to pick or put it back and this will automatically update your virtual cart.
What you need to do....just install an amazon go store app and enjoy shopping.....!!!!!!!
Let's check it out how it really works

Monday, 5 February 2018

Google Home

Image result for google home    
Welcome Back with my latest one that I am going to share about this with you all. Now-a-days,some new technologies are coming and now become so useful in any field whether it's in  medical science,in corporate sector or in our daily life. 
             I am going to introduce a new technology or new device through which you can enjoy your entertainment, where you can tell your device to do things whatever you want, and you can set your favorite playlists as your wake up alarm based on your musical preferences. Isn't it interesting!!!
        This technology has now arrived everywhere, which will tackle your day.Google has arrived with its new feature Google Home;which is powered by Google Assistant,so you can ask it questions....any question and tell it to do things. With this new technology,you can manage your day from breakfast to bed,where, you can do schedule your routine and you can schedule your travel information as well.........You can watch in this video as this google home really works and how you can enjoy this device......

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Digital world

Welcome to the digital world

How an industrialization world has now become completely transformed into digital world.....Dont u think sooooo!!!!!! 
       Imagine today's world without internet or without any technology, how it would be seems to be like a mango tree but it doesn't have any, the youth believe, there is no life without any internet and even yes, at somewehere,they are right, because today internet has now become an important part of our life....we live without food, but without internet......noooooooo!!!!!
 With the increasing usage on internet,as millions of people are now becoming internet new technologies are also coming....few of which we are unfamiliar. 
      So, now I'll tell uh some more or newest technologies that has already introduced and will be introducing, such that these technologies,may be at somewhere you need these........


                     MOBILE MARKETING                                                                                                       ...