Saturday, 10 February 2018

Amazon Go

Image result for amazon go store technology

Welcome Back with new technology, I am back with an introduction of new feature of one of the global e-commerce company "Amazon"; and this company has already won the hearts of not only millions, but billions of people in this world. Amazon opened their first Amazon Go store in Washington; where there would be no check outs,no line and no registers, just pickup the things what you want to buy and just go.
    Such an amazing technology which an Amazon company has introduced,where you don't need to  be in a line and for checkout too, it saves so much time of yours. This store is equipped with hundreds of cameras and use censors like in many automatic cars too.
These censors will track your items that you are going to pick or put it back and this will automatically update your virtual cart.
What you need to do....just install an amazon go store app and enjoy shopping.....!!!!!!!
Let's check it out how it really works

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